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Experience Emerson Out of Doors: Autumn Garden Tour
Event Description
The varied landscape of Concord is still a draw for songbirds, wildlife, painters, and nature lovers, as it was in Emerson's time. Join us for a leisurely tour of his garden and grounds during foliage season. Though he enjoyed expeditions further afield, Emerson also took a lively interest in the practical arts of landscaping, orchard-keeping, small farming, and ornamental horticulture. His wife Lidian was an early animal rights advocate and doted on her heirloom roses. Here their friend and neighbor Henry David Thoreau planted an original scion of the 'Concord' grape that still bears fruit. We'll tour the special features and plantings, including some magnificent mature native trees. Along the way we'll explore how the landscape and outbuildings have evolved as they continue to reflect Emerson's interest in the natural world and our relationship to it.