I like whooshing gusts of cold, cold snow, and walls of white that blow and blow.  

What is snow? 

Snowflakes are clusters of tiny ice crystals. When these crystals grow too heavy for the air to hold, they flutter from the clouds as snow. 

Why are snowflakes so beautiful? 

Snow freezes in complicated shapes. The shapes, called ice crystals, have six branches or six sides. Ice crystals, especially those that form in very cold skies, can look like stars, flowers, jewels, or elegant glass plates. No two are exactly the same.

 How does snow help us? 

In winter, snow acts as a blanket of insulation protecting tree roots and hibernating animals from extreme cold. When snow melts, fresh water fills rivers and lakes and seeps into our gardens, farm fields, and our sources of drinking water.

Snowy Day Poetry Writing Activity 

How do you feel when you are outside in the snow? Write a poem using this frame based on the lyrical words of I Like the Snow, written by Sarah Nelson and illustrated by Rachel Oldfield.

I like the snow. 

I like __________________________________________________________________.

I like __________________________________________________________________.

I like the snow. 

I like __________________________________________________________________.

I like__________________________________________________________________.

I like __________________________________________________________________.

I like the snow. 

Barefoot Books is an award-winning, 30-year-old independent children’s book publisher based in Concord, MA. Learn more by visiting www.barefootbooks.com