Visit Concord Museum’s new exhibition, “What Makes History: New Stories from the Collections.” Tour the new exhibition with the curators at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. Visit Concordmuseum.org for more information and additional dates of curator-led tours. Opening day, March 22.
“Radical Spirits: The Material Culture of Drinking at Minute Man National Historical Park” Punch bowls, and tankards, and bottles, oh my! Join Minute Man National Historical Park’s museum curator Nikki Walsh for a lecture focusing on the park’s collection related to eighteenth-century drinking culture, including aspects of drink in earlier and later periods of history. March 24 Friendsofminuteman.org/events.

Radical Spirits
| Courtesy of Friends of Minute Man National Park3
Enjoy the Arts in Concord! From live music to visual arts, to theatre and more, the Concord arts scene springs to life this season! See our “Arts Around Town” article on p. 70 for a rich roster of live events. And for an up-close view of some of our area’s finest artists, see our “Artist Spotlight” on p. 68.
Bundle up and join the fun for the Annual Egg Hunt on March 29 at Emerson Soccer Field. Search for candy and prize-filled plastic eggs, get your photo with the Bunny, enjoy the petting zoo, and more! Concordrec.myrec.com
Celebrate Patriots’ Day as Minute Man National Historical Park presents events honoring the men and women who fought for a new nation on April 19, 1775. See our article on p. 12 for activities and events in and around Concord, planned April 6 – 19.
Celebrate Ellen Garrison Day and honor the contributions of Concord resident Ellen Garrison. Ellen was born on April 14, 1823, in Concord, the granddaughter of Revolutionary War veteran, Caesar Robbins. Ellen lived a life dedicated to the struggle for civil rights from Concord to California. Head to 12 Monument Square on April 14 at 6:00 pm to honor this remarkable woman. There will be music, living history presentations, and more.
On April 15, enjoy free admission to the Concord Museum and visit the immersive April 19, 1775, gallery to see the “One if by land, two if by sea” lantern hung in the North Church to signal Paul Revere on his midnight ride. During your visit, participate in drop-in activities to learn about life and craft in the colonies. Witness the brave Acton Minutemen company in an encampment outside the Museum as they drill with muskets to prepare for battle, cook over a firepit, and demonstrate colonial spinning and sewing. Beware of a Redcoat from the British Army roaming the galleries looking for Provincial rebels. Talk with him about the experiences of the Redcoats on April 19, 1775. Concordmuseum.org
The Walden Woods Project presents Thoreau and The Miracle of Poetry: An Earth Day, Birthday, and National Poetry Month Celebration. “A poem is one undivided, unimpeded expression fallen ripe into literature,” Thoreau wrote in A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Join three contemporary poets who will read from their work in the spirit of Thoreau. A wine and cheese reception with the poets will precede the reading. April 23 Walden.org

Emerson-Thoreau Amble
| Courtesy of the Concord Museum9
Thoreau’s Pencil: Annual Earth Day Forum Join historian Augustine Sedgewick for a deep dive into the history of the Thoreau family’s pencil manufacturing business. A story of environmental history and material culture, Thoreau’s pencils bring us to Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida where enslaved people harvested red cedar and to Concord where Thoreau worked to improve his family’s business. What do these pencils reveal to us about the Thoreau we know so well? April 25 Concordmuseum.org
Join The Walden Woods Project for a Vernal Pool Exploration as Matt Burne and Will Leona return to lead an in-person exploration of one of Lincoln’s vernal pools. Learn about the special ecology of these ponds and search for frogs, salamanders, fairy shrimp, and more! April 27 Walden.org
A Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson More than two centuries after his birth, Ralph Waldo Emerson remains one of the presiding spirits in American culture. Yet his reputation as the starry-eyed prophet of self-reliance has obscured a much more complicated figure who spent a lifetime wrestling with injustice, philosophy, art, desire, and suffering. James Marcus introduces us to this Emerson, a writer of self-interrogating genius whose visionary flights are always grounded in Yankee shrewdness. May 1 Concordmuseum.org

Ralph Waldo Emerson
| Wikimedia.org12
An Exploration of The Golden Ratio in Nature and Architecture Join the Louisa May Alcott Orchard House and the French Heritage Society, with guest Christopher Kelly, for an exploration of the mysterious Basilica of Vézelay (France). Built in the 1100s, this World UNESCO Heritage site demonstrates a stunning display of mathematical accuracy, together with a profound connection to nature and the stars. Architects and Transcendental philosophers alike will appreciate the phenomenon known as the architecture of light on regal display each season of each year. May 11 at 6pm. Champagne and charcuterie included with this fascinating lecture at the Concord School of Philosophy. Tickets and more information at Frenchheritagesociety.org/event/vezelay
Kite Festival – grab the kids and head to Rideout Field in West Concord on May 4 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm for a fun afternoon with professional kite flyers and an ice cream truck! This free family event is sure to bring out the kid in all of us. Concordrec.myrec.com
Mothers’ Day Brunch at Verrill Farm This beloved tradition returns after a three-year hiatus. Treat mom to a special day with an outdoor brunch at Verrill Farm. Fresh, delicious, and festive, this cherished event is sure to make mom feel loved! Reservations required in advance. May 12 Verrillfarm.com/events
Appraisal Day with Bonhams Skinner Do you have a family heirloom passed down through generations? Maybe a great yard sale item or flea market find that might be a treasure? Would you like to know what it is worth? Bring your special items to Bonhams Skinner appraisers Karen Keane, CEO, and Christopher Fox, Vice President, at the Concord Museum for a verbal appraisal. May 15 Concordmuseum.org
Half American: A Memorial Day Forum Join Dartmouth College Historian Matthew F. Delmont for a forum on his award-winning new book Half American: The Heroic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad. More than one million Black soldiers served in World War II in segregated units while waging a dual battle against inequality in the very country for which they were laying down their lives. May 21 Concordmuseum.org
Emerson-Thoreau Amble Walking Tour Celebrate Emerson’s birthday and follow the footsteps of writers Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau! Enjoy the spring weather and learn about the friendship of two notable observers of nature from a museum interpreter. May 25 Concordmuseum.org
Don’t miss the 35th Annual Garden Tour! Join the Concord Museum Guild of Volunteers and visit six stunning private gardens in beautiful Concord. It’s the perfect way to welcome summer. June 7 – 8 Concordmuseum.org
You know summer is just around the corner when it’s time for the Strawberry Festival at Verrill Farm! Join friends and bring the kids to this festive (and delicious) tradition on June 15. Verrillfarm.com/events