1 Explore the historic battle at Concord’s North Bridge where the British Army suffered its first casualties of the war, and the legacy of this event in American History. Join a park ranger for “Concord’s North Bridge and Memory,” a 30-minute tour sure to be a fascinating and insightful look at this pivotal moment in history. Tuesdays through Sundays at 11:00 am, June 21 – August 29. Nps.gov/mima

2 The events at Concord’s North Bridge on April 19, 1775, turned on decisions made by soldiers on both sides; decisions that changed the course of history. “North Bridge Battlefield Walk” is a new walking tour to the April 19 North Bridge battle site where you’ll learn more about those fateful decisions. June 21 – August 29. Tuesdays through Sundays at 2:00 pm Nps.gov/mima
3 Visit the Hartwell Tavern, witness to the historic events of April 19, 1775. The Tavern is open 10 am – 4:30 pm and public programs take place at 11 am and 2 pm daily. Join a park ranger to discover the motivations and realities faced by those who volunteered to be “ready at a minute’s warning.” Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays (except June 15, June 29, and September 14). Nps.gov/mima

4 Tour Buttrick Gardens. Experience this historic garden that stands near the muster fields of April 19, 1775. Begun in 1911, two generations of the Buttrick family tended and enlarged the formal gardens until 1962, when the National Park Service purchased the property. Framed by ornamental trees and shrubs, the garden beds contain the Buttrick family’s award-winning iris and daylilies, colorful spring bulbs, and perennials that bloom from spring to fall. Join Friends of Minute Man Park for a free 45-minute tour of these remarkable gardens. Join in person or online. Free. Registration required. June 27 and July 25. FriendsofMinuteman.org/events
5 Join Verrill Farm to raise money for a great cause, Connections. All proceeds support individuals with limited access to nature to experience connections with the natural world. Bring the whole family and compete to win the grand prize! Join in the face painting, live animal encounter, and enter the raffle to win prize baskets. June 29. VerrillFarm.com
6 Explore Queer History at the Wayside during a very special open house that will include presentations by park rangers. June 29. 10 am – 4 pm Nps.gov/mima
7 Celebrate Independence Day! Pack up the family and friends and head to Emerson Playground for a delightful day of music, games, food vendors, and more. July 4. VisitConcord.org
8 Join The Robbins House for their annual reading of Frederick Douglass’ famous speech, “What to the Slave is the 4th of July?” Audience participation is welcome and light refreshments will be served. July 4 at 10 am. RobbinsHouse.org
9 Experience Riverfest Summer 2024. This three-week celebration of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers has something for everyone. Paddle the rivers, attend history talks, go birding, and more. And be sure to visit The Old Manse for a day full of family and kid-friendly activities on Saturday July 20. All events are free and open to the public! July 6 – 28. Sudbury-Assabet-Concord.org
10 Join the 83rd Annual Gathering of the Thoreau Society. The theme this year is Thoreau & Resilience, and with dozens of sessions, roundtable discussions, and more there is sure to be much here to ponder and discuss. July 10 – 14. ThoreauSociety.org/enjoy-our-events/annual-gathering

11 Henry David Thoreau spent two years living at Walden Pond, but where did he spend the rest of his life? Join the Concord Museum for this unique tour, “A Walk in Thoreau’s Concord,” and explore the other homes in Concord where Thoreau lived and hear the personal stories told about him by his family and friends. July 13. Concord Museum.org

Mona Lisa
| Public domain12 Screen the new film, Mona Lisa is Missing. Concord Free Public Library will host a screening of the award-winning film Mona Lisa is Missing, describing the 1911 theft of da Vinci’s famous painting “Mona Lisa” from the Louvre Museum in Paris. The filmmakers will join via Zoom after the screening to talk about how they researched the film. July 13. Free and suitable for all ages. ConcordLibrary.org
13 Celebrate Capt. Parker’s 295th birthday this July 13 on the Battle Green in Lexington from 11 am - 2 pm. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy musci, activites, food trucks, and birthday cake! More at Lex250.org.
14 Honor George Washington Dugan on July 18. Visit the website for more information. VisitConcord.org
15 You know Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, but how well do you know Concord’s other cemeteries? Tour the oldest cemetery in Concord, established circa 1636, and learn about the lives of past Concordians. “Grave Detectives Walking Tour” will explore the classic iconography of New England headstones that feature winged skulls or “death’s heads”, urns, willows, and other symbols. August 3. ConcordMuseum.org
16 Celebrate Ag Day 2024. Don’t miss this annual farmer’s market showcasing Concord’s robust farming community. Pick up the freshest produce while you enjoy music and more on Main Street in Concord Center. September 7. ConcordAgDay.com
17 August 11 marks just 250 days until the 250 celebrations! Help light the way, with a lantern celebration around town with fun activities for the whole family! Learn more at VisitConcord.org/concord-250
18 Rent a kayak or canoe from the South Bridge Boat House and explore the 29 free-flowing miles of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord rivers which have been designated as “Wild and Scenic” for their outstanding ecology, history, scenery, recreation value, and place in American Literature. Learn more at TheSouthBridgeBoatHouse.com
19 Rent a bike in any of the four Minuteman Bike Share locations: Concord Center at the Visitor’s Center, in West Concord by the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Bridge over the Nashoba Brook, Acton’s East Village on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, and at Brooks Street along the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. Rentals are just $2/hour and are a great way to explore Concord’s many trails with the whole family. MinutemanBikeShare.square.si