Something extraordinary happens when women come together around a shared purpose. Whether that purpose be social, political, or artistic, women’s voices carry a history, and their impact wields a transformative power. Concord Women’s Chorus has long known this and has nurtured and celebrated women’s voices since 1960, when a small group of women formed the Concord Madrigals to give women a chance to come together and express themselves through song. In 2005, the Concord Madrigals became the Concord Women’s Chorus. Since then, the group has grown to become a 45-voice ensemble whose performances extend far beyond Concord, with concert tours in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. 

Artistic Director Jane Ring Frank has led the Concord Women’s Chorus since 1993, and the group now performs a wide range of classical and contemporary music. “Ultimately, the Chorus is about quality music and highlighting gifted composers,” says Jane. Jane’s extensive background in music, including degrees in conducting and collaborative piano, academic work as resident senior scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center of Brandeis University, and leadership of the renowned Cantemus Chamber Chorus in Boston provides a strong foundation for the Chorus.


Jane Ring Frank

| ©David Costa

The Chorus performs two concerts each year, one in May and one in December. On May 13, 2023, the Chorus will present Come Day, Come Night. From love songs to boat songs, the concert will celebrate the joy of a well-lived life with stirring works that reflect the textures, rhythms, joys, and challenges of each new day.

Concord Women’s Chorus also presents pieces specifically commissioned for their group, and these are some of Jane’s favorite works. “Commissioned pieces allow us to further women’s choral art and highlight and support female composers,” says Jane. Grown Wild is the latest special commission (performed in October 2022). Written by composer Melissa Dunphy and poet Melissa Apperson, the work was scored for women’s voices, violin, and piano. 

Recruiting younger women is one of the Chorus’ primary goals and singers are welcome to audition year-round. While the Tuesday morning rehearsal schedule may be challenging for some, it is ideal for those who can’t or prefer not to devote another evening away from home.

Among Concord’s many cultural institutions, the Concord Women’s Chorus is unique, exploring the rich heritage and depth of women’s voices through the ages. For more information or to schedule an audition, please visit

For Concord Women’s Chorus, music is alchemy. Our commitment to the mastery and performance of a dynamic repertoire for women transforms the act of choral singing into an instrument for collaboration, education, and connection. We are confident singers who care deeply about creating, through women’s voices, a source of strength and inspiration for ourselves, our audience, and the world around us.